Thursday, October 15, 2015

I Am Here

I am here...kind of. It has been a long time dear friends. I didn't mean to vanish off the planet but life happened. What have I been up to since last year?

My mother turned 90 this year. It has not been an easy year for her. Cancer is back and there is not much that can be done. She is doing good but some days are harder than others.

February was a rough month. We said good bye to my Mother-in-Law and our dear dog, Jake. It was a very sad month. I still miss them both. My mother-in-law was always full of interesting stories and was a real character. Jake took a big part of my heart with him. Some days I still cry for him. He was my guy!

Our home was empty without a dog so we adopted this little guy. We named him Dexter. He was rescued from down south. He was brought up on a transport of puppies from a kill shelter. He has been quite the handful but he does bring life and joy to our home. We were told he was a hound mix and would be 80-100 pounds when full grown. Lucky for us they were wrong. We have no clue what he is. He is now 10 months and is around 46 pounds.

There hasn't been much reading going on here. I am still working full time, second shift. I have been feeling the void of not reading and blogging. I am not sure how much I will be around but I am going to try to get back into the swing of things. I have some books that I am excited to get to and I am trying out Audible.

I hope to check out everyone's blogs. I do glance at blogs through feedly and/or Bloglovin. I sure have missed you all and I look forward to catching up!


  1. It seems that hard times come in bunches and you've sure had your share. I hope things get better and you find some time to read.

    1. I hope so too, Kathy. Thanks for stopping by! I sure have missed reading and fellow bloggers!

  2. It's nice to see you again! I'm so sorry that you've lost both your beloved Jake and your mother-in-law. I agree with what Kathy said about hard times coming in bunches. I hope your mom can remain as comfortable as possible. Please give Dexter a squeeze from me!

    1. It's always nice to see you too, Beth! Mom has good days and bad days but she has been a real trooper through it all. Dexter sends a squeeze back! Thanks for stopping by! I have missed everyone!

  3. I am so sorry about your husband and your dog. You have had a very tough year, Vicki. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for my mom. I will keep you in my prayers also.


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