Friday, October 14, 2011

Before I Go To Sleep

Before I Go To Sleep by S.J. Watson


'As I sleep, my mind will erase everything I did today. I will wake up tomorrow as I did this morning. Thinking I'm still a child. Thinking I have a whole lifetime of choice ahead of me ...' Memories define us. So what if you lost yours every time you went to sleep? Your name, your identity, your past, even the people you love - all forgotten overnight. And the one person you trust may only be telling you half the story. Welcome to Christine's life.

My Thoughts

This book just blew my mind! I was expecting a predictable read about a woman who has amnesia. This book is so much more!

Christina wakes up every morning not remembering much at all. She doesn't remember her husband who is in bed next to her. She doesn't know where she is. Every day she relearns her life. Christina has had an accident of some sort where she has sustained a brain injury which has left her in this state. Instantly the reader knows something is off and the twists and turns of the plot begin. I had my suspects in mind. I was wrong. Very wrong!

This is a wonderful debut book by S.J. Watson. She weaves a suspenseful plot that will keep you from wanting to put this book down. There were times I could honestly feel Christina's confusion. I didn't know who she should trust. And just when I thought I knew who Christina should stay away from, the story took an unexpected turn.

This is a great psychological thriller and I highly recommend it. It was written in such a way that I truly felt I was in Christina's mind. I look forward to seeing more from S.J. Watson in the future!

I checked this book out from our public library.


  1. I loved this book too! I read it while on vacation and even though I was so tired, I couldn't put it down. The twist towards the end completely took me by surprise. I just gasped.

  2. It reminds me of 50 First Dates from your description but with something more sinister built in!

  3. I'm just listening to this one and yes it is good. I'm glad to hear it was a great read for you.

  4. Wasn't this one something else? I read it early in the summer and was really blown away. Glad you liked it as well. Love it when I find a really good psychological mystery.

  5. I listened to this one and it was really good. Glad you enjoyed it.

  6. You convinced me -- this one needs to get moved up the pile:) sounds great

  7. I've been wanting to read this one...but now I simply must! Thanks for sharing....

  8. This sounds like a book that would make your heart pound! I can't wait to read it.

  9. That cover kind of gets under my skin! I'm glad it's worth opening it up and seeing what's inside!

  10. I've been really curious about this one. I think I'm going to have to get this one soon. Great review!


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