Monday, August 16, 2010

Mailbox Monday August 16

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

This month's hostess is Shanyn at Chick Loves Lit. Thank you Shanyn for hosting. Be sure to check out her blog.

Only one book for me this week. That is okay since I am so behind in my reading lately. I am trying to get back into the swing of things. My brain seems to be on summer vacation. Speaking of you see the date on the post? Where did the summer go? School is just around the corner. Why doesn't the winter fly by as fast as the summer does? Sigh!

I know I have been neglecting the blog lately. I am on a mission to get things back on track and hopefully will do a better job. Thanks for hanging in there with me!

The Cailiffs of Baghdad, Georgia by Mary Helen Stefaniak

Summary borrowed from Goodreads

A big-hearted story of a Depression-era small town turned upside down by a worldly teacher. Narrator Gladys Cailiff is eleven years old in 1938 when a new, well-traveled young schoolteacher turns a small Georgia town upside down. Miss Grace Spivey believes in field trips, Arabian costumes, and reading aloud from her ten-volume set of The Thousand Nights and a Night. The real trouble begins when she decides to revive the annual town festival as an exotic Baghdad bazaar. Miss Spivey transforms the lives of everyone around her: Gladys's older brother Force (with his movie-star looks), her pregnant sister May (a gifted storyteller herself), and especially the Cailiffs' African American neighbor, young Theo Boykin, whose creative genius becomes the key to a colorful, hidden history of the South. Populated by unforgettable characters—including three impressive camels—The Cailiffs of Baghdad, Georgia rides a magic carpet from a segregated schoolroom in Georgia to the banks of the Tigris (and back again) in an entrancing feat of storytelling.

I received this book for review from Librarything Early Reviewers

I am looking forward to reading this as I love Southern Lit.

So what wonderful books mad etheir way into your home?


  1. Southern Lit is great and this one sounds very good. Enjoy!

  2. I also received just one book, but I'm ok with that also! This sounds great...enjoy!

  3. My mailbox was completely empty last week and i don't mind one bit. With my tbr pile still high and me going through a burn out, i could use the extra time to relax, recuperate and read..LOL

  4. I'm with you and can't believe it's already August! Yikes!

    Enjoy your new book!

    HERE is my Mailbox Monday.

  5. Enjoy. It looks like a great read, i've seen this one on a few blogs.

  6. I am SO JEALOUS. I really want to read this one; enjoy!!!

  7. Well if you could only get one book you got a good one! This book looks like it could be great. I'll be keeping my eye out for the review!

  8. I love books set in the South, so this looks like a winner to me. I hope you enjoy it!

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

    The book you received sounds so good that I am adding it to my TBR list. I added quite a few books today and might have to mention them in a post later this week.

    Have a great week!

  10. I like the play on the word "cailiff," and I love the Arabian tales. This sounds like it would be a fun southern novel!

  11. Ah blog neglect seems to be going around these days (I'm doing that too!). This sounds like a fun book -- enjoy!

  12. I think The Cailiffs of Baghdad looks and sounds great! I hope you enjoy it!

  13. This looks like a wonderful read. Enjoy!

  14. Will look the book up and the premise sounds really interesting too.
    Have a great week girl :)

  15. This book looks so good. I hope you enjoy. Hope you find some time to read and get your mojo back too!


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