Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blizzard 2011

We survived the Blizzard of 2011! It was unlike anything I have ever been through before. The wind in the middle of the night was very intense and really rather scary. It was like a hurricane with snow. Once I figured out the snowplows weren't getting through, I was a bit nervous. It's nerve-wracking to think if you have an emergency, you are on your own. We had a Civil Emergency or Civil Danger Warning. They said roads were impassable. We couldn't even see where our roads were. Even the freeway was closed down. Many people were stranded in their vehicles and had to spend the night in them. A few people were rescued by snowmobilers. Finally, yesterday we saw a snowplow and they made a narrow path which made me feel so much better. The sun came out and the dig out began. That is my son shoveling the end of the driveway. He looks happy, don't ya think? He was a real trooper! We even managed to have a bit of fun while shoveling. We are on our second day of no school and the roads are not great but better. Yesterday was eerily quiet. No cars out, just the hum of snowblowers and a few voices outside. Today there are a few cars out. I think tomorrow life will be back to normal somewhat. Today though I will be reading, cooking and doing some laundry and enjoying the sunshine! This storm is one for the record books. I know I for one won't ever forget it!


  1. Wow now that is some snow you got there! Glad to hear you guys made it though it alright and are starting to dig your way out.

  2. We only had a few brave souls go down our road yesterday and eventually the plows made it and we were able to get to the main road!! I can't wait for spring!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Look at all the snow!!

  4. Thanks for checking out my new blog via my daughter StephtheBookworm. We were also supposed to get hit with the blizzard, but wasn't as bad as they said it was going to be. They never get it right. And your son looks thrilled!!! Be back soon!!

  5. Not sure where you live, but I can totally relate to that photo...LOL Our side street are still a mess and it is so dangerous to pull out of most ANY street as you can't see over the high snow banks.

  6. welcome to my world.

    If it ain't white and fluffy... then it ain't right for winter in MTL.

    Love the picture and please tell me you gave him a major cup of hot choco after shoveling all that!

  7. Wow, hope you are dug out by now...Is it Packer day for you guys today, Superbowl Sunday? :)

  8. I hope you're all dug out and safe and I hope you at least got a little reading in during your forced confinement. I love the picture of your son. The novelty of sun sure does wear off when you're out the shoveling it.


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