Monday, January 30, 2012

Mailbox Monday January 30

Happy Monday! We made it through another week here! I am taking the days one by one. I have a job interview on Thursday. Not sure if I will get the job but either way, it will be a good experience. The gal who called is very easy to talk to and I am looking forward to the interview.

No books in the mailbox this week which is fine. I have so many books to read here already. I am reading One For the Money by Janet Evanovich after reading how much everyone enjoys that series. I had the book here in my pile and dove in last night after reading how much Sheila from Book Journey enjoyed the book and the movie. Click on her name to check out her review.

I did download two free kindle books this week. You can click on the titles for the links to those. I believe they are both still free.

Be sure to check out Mailbox Monday which is hosted by Alyce at At Home With Books.

Gooseberry Patch Quick & Easy Family Dinners Cookbook

Daily Readings For Difficult Days by Jennifer Carter

I hope to get back to posting. Some days are harder than others. Thank you to all who have sent good wishes, thoughts, prayers and hugs! You have no idea how much it all means to me! We'll get through this and will be stronger for it!


  1. Best wishes on the job interview this week! Reading One For the Money will ease some of the stress for sure!

  2. Good to hear you have an interview, Beth. I returned to the work world after a long time away a few years back. I understand about interviewing. LOL

    ONE FOR THE MONEY is a truly funny book and should bring a few laughs your way. And laughter is a great stress fighter. Good luck and you guys are in my prayers.

  3. I hope you enjoy One for the Money. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. Hi Beth,

    I have only just caught up with the events of the last couple of weeks and I am fully able to sympathise with you, as we find ourselves in the same position, although I suspect that we are a few years older than yourselves.

    Hubbie has just taken the last resort step of buying a franchise and just has to make this work.

    Like yourself, I have not worked for over 20 years and here in the UK, that makes finding any work at the moment, almost impossible.

    Reading and blogging has helped to keep me sane over the last few months, so I wish you the very best of luck with your interview.

    Take Care,


  5. Good luck on the interview! Focus not on any fear of what you don't have experience/job-wise but how you CAN help the company and also set the interviewer at ease. KNOW that life experience and managing a home IS project management. :)

    YAY for free books. Now you have me thinking/wondering if I downloaded any and forgot to mention...

    HAPPY almost February! *SMILES*

  6. Good luck with your interview and enjoy your new books!

  7. Free books are always good and you can never have too many recipe books.

    Good luck with the interview. After 20 years at the same job, the company I worked for has closed and I now find myself faced with the interview process too.

  8. I hope you enjoy!your reads.

  9. Mega good luck on the job! And Stephanie Plum is just what I would order for you if you are having a stressful day. That is some funny stuff. Brain candy.

  10. I am wishing you all the best in your job interview!!!

    Hope you enjoy Book 1 of the Plum series!!

  11. Beth, I'm sending you good wishes for your interview.

  12. I hope everything goes well for you. Have a good week.

  13. Good luck with your interview!

    I hope you enjoy One for the Money. It's the only book of the series I've read and I thought it was fun.

  14. Good luck on the interview! You can't go wrong with a couple free books on daily readings and food. What else could a person need!

  15. I hope the job interview goes really well.

    Enjoy your new reads.

  16. Good luck on the job interview!

  17. Best wishes for your job interview. It's scary putting yourself out there but being a mum and running a household gives you a diverse skill set. Hope it all goes well.

    I'm going to check out Quick and Easy Family dinners ... thanks and happy reading :)

  18. I could totally use Quick & Easy Family Dinners, Off to look for it.


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