Tomorrow is Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-thon and I am participating. I have a crockpot meal planned- beef roast with veggies. I have pulled out a stack of books. I have my new reading space organized. It's not fancy but it is all mine! There is no way I will read all those books but I wanted to have an assortment of books so I will have a book for whatever mood I am in tomorrow. Some are heavier, some are fun and light. Check out my stack below. I have some books on my Nook also.
Now for my Cooper update..my dog, Cooper ended up having 4 teeth pulled yesterday but came through the surgery pretty well. He is having a little problems with his neck which we expected but he isn't doing too bad considering. He's my little trooper! We even had some tail waging action today which I took as a very good sign. I have the best vet. She and her gals took very good care of him. Our other dog, Jake and my Mom's dog, Lucy have been keeping a careful watch over him now that he is home.
So tomorrow I plan on reading, eating, and snuggling with the dogs. I will post some updates occasionally and maybe have fun with a few mini-challenges. I won't be reading all 24 hours..I need my beauty sleep. I'll do my best. Are you participating in the Read-a-thon? There is still time to sign up. Just follow the link above. At the time of this post there are over 400 readers signed up! I think that is terrific!
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